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Kennet & Test Valley
Methodist Circuit
To proclaim and reflect the love of God

Statement on situation in Gaza

gaza destruction

A statement from the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference on the situation in Gaza.

We are deeply disappointed that the headlines today are about a parliamentary process and not the horrors of what is happening in Gaza. Such a vote should be above party politics and we urge the UK government to denounce actions that epitomise a collective punishment of the population of Gaza.

The scale of the destruction and tragic loss of life in so short a space of time is incomparable to any other conflict in recent times. We grieve for all lives lost on 7 October and in the subsequent fighting. There is no justification for such widespread killing of tens of thousands of innocent people and we are gravely concerned for the entire population of the Gaza Strip.
We call on Hamas to immediately release the remaining hostages and urge all governments to work with Israeli and Palestinian parties to achieve an agreement that ensures protection, support and a viable future for innocent victims of this conflict and security for all in the region.

In prayer we stand alongside all those in the region whose heart breaks with ours as we witness the unfathomable suffering. With the psalmist we pray:

You are my help and my deliverer;
you are my God, do not delay. (Psalm 40:17)

The full statement can be read here

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